2025 DUES & FEES
See our 2024 Season Presentation for more on Dewing Park Swim Club. For questions about Dewing Park Swim Club's Pool Membership or the Seahorse Swim Team not addressed below, please use the Contact Us tab and we'll respond as quickly as possible.
Quick links:
About the Club | Guest Policy | Health & Safety Rules | Club Registration | Maintenance Day(s) | Request Tour | Swim Team Registration
Dewing Park is switching to an automatic renewal for the maintenance fee. This will allow us to more effectively track memberships and know early on how many we have available. This is especially important as we now reach our member cap each spring.
Here's how it will work:
On January 15 we will charge the maintenance fee to each member-owner family unless we hear you from you that are not returning. (Maintenance fee still applies if you opt for Last Summer).
Every member-owner will still need to login to their account between February 1st and March 15 to let us know if they want to pay in full or be put on the pay-over-summer plan. If you are not returning you also need to tell us before March 15.
Dewing Park Swim Club is a community swim organization, owned cooperatively by our members. The club relies on memberships for all it's annual operating costs. Club membership includes all members of the immediate family. Caregivers accompanying dependent members are also included.
Annual Membership: $750
Dues for returning members in good standing. This does not include a maintenance fee ($150), which can be refunded with four
hours of volunteer work. -
A one-time Buy-In Fee ($675) will be applied when families join as member-owners; this buy-in fee is used as dues for the member's final season.
Rental Membership: $900
Families may rent a membership for one season. Rental members are not co-owners and have no voting privileges.
Splash Membership: $150
First-year swim team families may for one year buy a limited membership that has no pool privileges outside of swim team events.
Last Summer: $150
Members' Buy-In fee may be converted to annual dues in their final season but does not cover the ($1450) maintenance fee and any applicable assessments.
Summer Hold: $250
Members are allowed a Hold on their membership once every five years. This Hold maintains ownership status.
NOTE: When registering you do so under one person/name. The membership is tied to that registration name. Membership includes that person and their immediate family.
For additional questions about membership and registration requirements, please Contact Us.
New to the area and want to see what our Club has to offer? Contact us to book a tour of our facility. Please note that we are also open to the public on our Annual Open House, typically held in late April/early May. Check here for this year's date.
Dewing Park Swim Club members may bring guests to the pool, but the host member must always be present. There is a $3 per person guest fee.
Members assume full responsibility for their guests in adherence to all rules and regulations. Children of guests will only be permitted to use the facilities under direct supervision of an adult member who is 18+ years of age.
Inviting a large group of guests is considered a party and must be registered as such. For information on hosting a private party/group at the club, please click here.
Maintenance Days allow our members to recoup their $150 Maintenance Fee each season by volunteering four hours on pre-designated work dates.
We ask that each volunteer arrives promptly and participates the entire four-hour shift. Children are not allowed at maintenance days.
This link will be live when we have a lineup of this year's maintenance days/projects.